Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 Reasons Getting to Work Early Is Bad - The Muse

4 Reasons Getting to Work Early Is Bad - The Muse4 Reasons Getting to Work Early Is BadMy iPhone used to buzz each and every morning at 530 AM- but after years of this routine, I wake up naturally around 527. After quickly making the bed, I grab my gym bag and hustle out the door. By 7 AM, Ive worked out and showered. By 9, Ive eaten breakfast, answered emails, and written an article.But Im bedrngnislage trying to convince you to follow my lead and start getting up in the wee hours. In fact, I alfruchtwein wish Id never started getting up and getting to work so early. What I would give to be a night owl OK, not a night owl, but someone who doesnt wake up before the sun.Heres why1. Youre Out-of-Sync With Most PeopleYes, getting up early means you can start working before everyone else- but unless youre willing to work longer hours, it also means you stop working before everyone else. That can be a huge problem.Case in point A couple years ago, Id just gotten home when I received an em ail from my boss. (She typically arrived and left at the office couple hours later than me.) Hey I know youre gone for the day, but would you mind sending me new versions of those graphics you made for the microsite? For some reason, my computer wont open the other ones.An easy task- except for the fact that I needed Photoshop, which wasnt installed on my personal computer. Since I knew we were sending the microsite to the client that night, I had no choice but to hop back on the train, run into the office, resave and send the files, then get on the same train back home. The whole ordeal took around two hours. If Id be sitting in the office when she emailed, however, it wouldve only taken three minutes.Thats definitely not the only time finishing up before everyone else has caused me trouble. And I run into issues on the other end as well Ive had urgent questions come up while Ive been the only employee awake, and I know my colleagues wont be checking their inboxes for at least anot her hour. 2. You Might Look Less DedicatedBeing off-schedule from everyone else isnt the only problem with wrapping up your day early. When I worked in NYC, I arrived at the office around 710. That wouldnt be out-of-the-ordinary for some offices- but this one was a fashionable media startup, and most of my co-workers didnt get in until 9 or 930. I didnt typically see my bosses until 10.Because everyone started so late, they stayed late as well. The problem? I was ready to go by 5 after all, even with an hour-long lunch, Id mucksmuschenstill been working for 9 hours. But without announcing, I got here at 710, I worried leaving hours before everyone else would make it seem like I wasnt committed. As a result, I ended up lingering till 630 or 7 at least one night per week.3. You Cant Network at NightWhen I get invites for networking events at night (which, lets face it, is most of them), I always have to force myself to say yes. Unlike most of the attendees, wholl be hitting peak energ y levels right when the event is picking up, Im only going to lose stamina. Having engaging conversations, remembering names, being outgoing All those things are somewhat challenging when youre fully awake. When youre worn out? Pretty darn difficult.Plus, you can forget about drinking any alcoholic beverages. The last time I accepted a glass of wine at a late-night event, I almost fell asleep in my chair.This problem extends to non-formal networking as well. Ive had co-workers ask me to go grab drinks at the local bar- which would be a total blast if I wasnt already fantasizing about the moment Id slip on my sweats, jump into bed, and shut my eyes.A couple times, I tried asking people to do things in the morning instead. It worked- sort of. While an evening meet-up doesnt have a formal cut-off, most professionals cant spend more than an hour at breakfast or lunch during the week. 4. Youll Lose SleepAs I mentioned, my body is trained to wake up early. Ive tried to wake up later- but except for when Im truly exhausted, the latest I can make it is usually 7 AM.Thats less than ideal when Im running a sleep deficit. And of course, when Im tired, Im nowhere near as productive. While I mightve gotten up a few hours earlier than everyone else on Saturday, Im probably accomplishing only 50% of what I normally can. Those 120 minutes arent enough to make up for the efficiency dip, and to make matters worse, Im grumpy and impatient.While early risers are probably reading this, nodding their heads, and debating becoming night owls- rest assured, there are workarounds For example, just because you get up before everyone else doesnt mean you need to get started on your day right away. Try reading a little bit in bed before you jump in the shower, cook a real breakfast, get your errands done before you go into the office- sure youll still be tired come 9 PM, but not in the same way you would be if youd been working your brain since 7 AM.However, if youve tried and failed to b ecome a morning person, please do not feel guilty. Getting up later comes with its own unique advantages. If I could turn back time to when I decided to try something new and wake up at 530 AM, I might just decide not to set that alarm.

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